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Student-Related Policies

Acceptable Use of Technology: Although nearly all schools have had internet acceptable use policies (AUP) for many years, such policies are not always friendly to online learning. Virtual school students tend to use a broader range of tools and resources than face-to-face students, and policies often must be revised to allow for that range. …more info

Academic Integrity: Administrators and teachers new to virtual school programs often ask, “In an online course, how do you know the student is the one doing the work?” It’s an important question in any academic environment, and there are no easy or fool-proof solutions. …more info

Liability: Bricks & mortar schools are often held liable for student safety on campus, off campus, and even on weekends. Virtual schools, particularly full-time virtual schools, have even greater challenges as the lines blur between school and home, and between academic and personal computer usage. What responsibilities do virtual schools have, and how can they protect themselves? …more info

Face Time Requirements: Many programs choose to require some amount of face time for their online participants. In some cases, this choice is tied to state funding or attendance requirements. Some programs define how much teacher-student or student-student interaction should be incorporated into a course, including expectations regarding how quickly teachers are expected to respond to phone calls, emails or postings. …more info

One aspect of online learning that can complicate student-related policies is the potential of your program crossing of school, district, and state boundaries. Here are some questions to consider as you deal with these issues.